sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

As Regras de Prioridade não vão mudar no TCG!

É isso mesmo galera, boas notícias, as mudanças na regra de prioridade não vão mudar no TCG!
Dêem uma olhada no comunicado que certifica isso (em inglês, mesmo):

Hi Judges,

Well, it was an exciting weekend for some of us – Konami in Japan posted information on their website, concerning a change in the way priority will interact with Monster’s Ignition effects, and the TCG world started going ballistic.

Just to make sure our judges are all receiving correct information, I’m sending out this email. Here’s all you need to know for the time being:

1) This change will take place on March 19th for OCG Territories only. It will not be in effect in TCG territories (which means everyone receiving this email.)

2) In other words, do not make any changes to previous rulings in TCG territories. Players will tell you the rule has changed. They will be wrong.

3) When any such change takes place in TCG territories, judges and players alike will be provided with official information on I will also send out a general email to the judge roster. There will be time to prepare and we will give you plenty of details about what the change will mean.

4) Once more, just for the heck of it – this ruling change does not currently affect the TCG. There are no changes in rulings for the TCG.


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